is the place where myths look like history and history is like a myth. From the
distant past to the present day, every place on the island has a short or long
story to tell.
It is very rich, surrounded by sea, very beautiful.
It has ninety cities,
countless people live on it
and they speak a mix of many languages.
Crete raises Acheans, real Cretan men with brave hearts, Dorians, who live in
three tribes,
Kydons and noble Pelasgians".
The Odyssey, Rhapsody Τ (172-177)
The Odyssey, Rhapsody Τ (172-177)
(Translation into modern Greek: N. Kazantzakis & I. Kakridis)

The ancestors of
the Cretans are the Minoans. However the island was also colonized by Achaeans,
Dorians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Venetians and Turks. Also, for a long time
the pirates of the Mediterranean Sea were infesting its shores.
fortifications that you can find in all modern cities of Crete, as well as the
fortresses raised as observatories on the capes and the islets that surround
it, witness the island’s endless adventures.
Live your own
Cretan Pre-history and History
The prehistory
and early history of Crete is today known thanks to the extensive
archaeological researches and excavations conducted in the island by Greek and
foreign archaeologists, since the last decades of the 19th century. Crete, the
ruler of the seas of King Minos, is no longer a mysterious myth. Homer’s
“island with a hundred cities” (“ekatompolis”), the name under which Crete
became known to ancient writers, was proved to be a historical reality of the
2nd millennium. The great Minoan Civilization of ancient Crete was developed on
the island’s Neolithic background and is contemporary and equivalent to the
civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia.
history of Crete extends over an 8.000-year period. According to archaeological archaeological evidence, the island was inhabited since the
Neolithic Times Period. Neolithic settlements known in Heraklion were those of
Knossos, Phaistos and Katsambas. It is probable that some caves were also
periodically inhabited, among which the Stravomyti Cave on Mount Juktas,
Eileithyia Cave in the region Gouves, Trapeza Cave in the region Tylissos and
others. The privileged position of Heraklion and the terrain that favor the
development of multiple crops, constituted a fertile ground for the creation of
a civilization under the name “Minoan Civilization” which flourished for a long
time (during the Bronze Age – 3000-1100 B.C.). Knossos was its center and it
reached its peak of prosperity between 1900 and 1500 B.C.

A trip in time
The first humans appeared in Crete in around 6000 B.C. In around 2.600 B.C.
colonists from Asia Minor arrived on the island, bringing bronze with them. The
new inhabitants, who had a strong shipping tradition, created the Minoan
Civilization and made important cultural achievements. In around 1950 B.C. the
first palaces were built in Knossos, Phaistos and Malia. They palaces were the
headquarters of the local leaders or princes besides being the administrative
and religious centres.
The era of the
famous great palaces of Crete begins around 1900 B.C. The most important and
larger ones are concentrated in Heraklion (Knossos, Malia, Phaistos, Archanes,
Monastiraki). These palaces, along with other smaller ones in other locations,
were for about 600 years “centers of creation and irradiation of the Minoan
palace culture, the phenomenon which has left its deep imprint on the history
of Crete”. In the same period, water supply and drainage works took
place, which the visitor can admire in the above mentioned archaeological
sites, while storerooms are built for the storage of food stocks. The elaborate
Kamares ware, which constitute an excellent example of the perfection of the
ceramic art in this period date back to the same era. These wares took their
name from the famous Kamares Cave on Mount Ida, where they were they were first
discovered. In the same period, there’s a breakthrough in Minoan Crete’s
spiritual development: the use of the older writing in the form of engraved
stylized images on seals and pottery (Ideograms or Pictographic writing). The
most famous monument of this writing is the Phaistos Disk, a disk of fired clay
found in the Minoan palace of Phaistos, which is located in the Messara Plain
in south-central Crete. The disk hasn’t yet been deciphered.
A strong
earthquake in around 1700 B.C. destroyed the palaces and new, more luxurious
ones, were built, while one more palace was added to them, the palace of
Zakros. In 1450 B.C., after the eruption of the volcano of Thira, the Minoan
centers were destroyed completely. Then the Mycenaeans took over Knossos and
they set up their own dynasty.
Immediately afterwards
the Myceneans invaded Crete and established their own dynasty in Knossos. In
around 1400 B.C. Knossos was destroyed by an unknown cause and the time of its
decline began. In around 900 B.C., city-states begin to be created, according
to the Hellenic model. The most powerful ancient city, Kydonia, which was later
than Gortys and much later than Knossos, maintained its predominance in the
area until the Arab invasion, when it was destroyed. In the meantime, the
Dorians had arrived on the island and systematically “assimilated” the local
people. Life was organized according to the models of the Spartans. During this
period Crete produced admirable works of sculpture and metalwork. In 480 B.C.
this civilization declined, too.
Pirates from Cilice used the coasts of Crete as their base, which gave the
Romans the opportunity to conquer the island. In 824 A.D. the Arabs conquered
Crete and organized it as an independent Arab state, the centre of which was
Khandax (modern Heraklion).The Byzantines conducted many unsuccessful
campaigns, until the Byzantine Emperor Nikoforos Fokas invaded the island (960
A.D.), occupied Khandax (961 A.D.) after a bloody siege and liberated it.
After two years
the siege of Khandax began. The Venetians and the Cretans, united, resisted for
23 years. Finally, Khandax fell to the Ottomans. Only Sfakia remained free, being
forced, however, to pay a tribute to the Ottomans.
In 1830 Crete was ceded to Egypt for ten years. Then the Ottomans came back.
The revolutions continued until 1878, when, through the intervention of the
European Powers, privileges were granted to the residents. These privileges
soon fell into disuse and new rebellions lead the Superpowers to appoint Prince
George of Greece as High Commissioner of the island. In 1898 Prince George
arrived on Crete and settled in Chania. A Parliament was founded and Crete
became an autonomous Cretan State.
Historic Times
In 1100 A.D.,
Crete enters in a new historical period. The cultural continuity is disrupted
and the substantial decline and fall of the old culture is taking place. The
new regime has an aristocratic character. The island is divided into
city-states, which are often involved into long lasting wars between
them. The new organization of the Cretan society follows the model of the
corresponding organization of Sparta and the other Dorian centers of Greece.
Despite its neutral status during this period, Crete took part in the fall of
Troy with 80 ships. Also, many Cretan mercenaries serve in Alexander the
Great’s army in later times. Admiral Nearchus from Lato and messenger
Philonides from Hersonissos are known for their role in Alexander the Great’s
Then follows the
Hellenistic period, when the institution of the Cretan Koinon (federation of
Cretan cities) is created, with a loose relationship between its cities. The
Cretan Koinon was maintained until the 4th century A.D. The population lives
also in lower positions, in the plains, without the fear of war. This period,
judging by the number of positions where impressive remains of settlements were
discovered, it seems that Crete was densely populated. Large farmhouses are
rebuilt in many positions, many years after the Neopalatial period. Great and
impressive public technical works of this period are the aqueducts of Gortys,
Lyktos and Hersonissos.
Byzantine Period –
Venentian Domination
After the first
Byzantine period (330 A.D to 824 A.D), Crete is a “theme” of the Byzantine
Empire, with Gortys being its administrative, military and religious center. In
824 A.D., after a series of Arab raids and the landing of Arabs in Crete in
around 822-823 A.D aiming to the progressive conquest of the island, the city
of Heraklion falls into the hands of the conquerors. The city is now called
Rabdh el Khandaq, which means “Fortress of the Ditch”.
In 960 A.D. the
Byzantine general and later Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros Phokas conducts a
campaign against the Arabs. Crete is set free and the Arabs are confined
within the well-fortified Chandax. After months of siege, in the spring 961
A.D., the Byzantines made a general attack, which resulted in the successful
recapture of the city. After the abolition of the Byzantine Empire by Crusaders
of the Fourth Crusade in 1204, the island is disputed between the Genoese and
the Venetians. Crete passes through a short-lived occupation by the Genoese and
finally into the hands of the Venetians in 1211.
The new
acquisition becomes the most significant colony of Venice. The governor of the
island (Duke of Candia) and the Latin Archbishop have their seat in Chandax,
which was renamed Candia and gave its name to the entire island, which becomes
the “Venice of the East”. Crete is divided into four administrative regions
which correspond approximately to today’s prefectures. The Venetian’s
oppression and the arbitrariness with the heavy taxation, the unequal
treatment, the granting of large lands to the Venetian colonists and the harsh
drudgeries provoke the reaction of the Cretan people, which is manifested
through a series of revolts. The Cretan people revolted 27 in total. With the
Revolt of St. Titus (Titus is the patron saint of Crete), the Venetian
authority is violently overthrown and the Duke is captured and imprisoned along
with his advisors. This rebellion finally failed due to the direct and dynamic
intervention of Venice. After the first two centuries, which are marked by
successive revolutionary uprisings, things start to calm down and a remarkable
intellectual and artistic blossoming makes its appearance in the island. In the
late years of Venetocracy, coinciding with the fall of Constantinople, Cretan
literature reaches its apogee. The period of Venetocracy lasts until 1669.
During these
years some of the greatest technical and architectural works of the island were
built. The most characteristic examples of these works are found in the city of
Heraklion, which has the largest fortification works, not only of Crete, but of
the Eastern Mediterranean area. This is a monumental work, which constitutes a
gem for the town and preserves important memories, despite the city’s
modernity. This enormous defensive work is complemented by the amazing Koules
Fortress in city’s port and by the majestic buildings of unique value, such as
Loggia and the Morosini Fountain. Of course, there are innumerable monasteries
and churches scattered throughout the island, such as the monasteries Kera,
Paliani, Agaranthos, Odigitria, Kalyviani and others.
At that time, the
period of the Cretan renaissance began, during which Crete experienced a
flourishing in the arts and letters. In the first years of the Venetian
domination the city of Heraklion creates the conditions to accept a significant
intellectual development which will be enhanced shortly before the fall of
Constantinople. Many Byzantine scholars, having perceived the danger of the
conquest by the Turks, take refuge in European, mainly Italian, cities as well
as in Crete and mainly in Heraklion (Candia). This migration wave of Byzantine
scholars assists the cultural development of the city in all sectors. The
Monastery of Saint Catherine of the Sinaites, becomes a great spiritual and cultural
center of the city, where great scholars such as Meletios Vlastos, Ioannis
Mortzinos, Cyril Loukaris and others being the teachers of the Monastery’s
Especially in the
last years of the Venetian domination (1594 - 1669), Cretan literature reaches
the peak of its development, so from now on we can speak of the “Cretan
In the same
period the ‘Cretan School” of painting was created,
with Theophanes the Cretan, Georgios Klontzas and Michael Damaskenos being its top
representatives. Damaskenos will later study next to the most famous Greek
painter, Domenikos Theotokopoulos (El Greco). Literature also flourished, with
Georgios Chortatzis and Vitsentzos Kornaros, who left behind them the famous
works “Erofili”, “Erotokritos” and “The Sacrifice of Abraham”.
Modern Times
In 1669,
Heraklion, Crete’s last stronghold, fell into the hands of the Ottomans. This
means the fall of the last stronghold of Christian Europe in the Eastern
Mediterranean. Candia withstood a siege which lasted 21 years. But the
Christian element and especially the residents of Candia paid the heavy price
of the siege with many human and material losses. The French poet Tournefor,
who visits the city 30 years later, he characterized it as a “carcass of a
city”. With the conquest of Candia, Turkey achieved its purpose, which was the
geographical and economic unity of the empire in the Eastern Mediterranean
area. So, almost the entire area -land and insular – was incorporated in the
Ottoman Empire and Crete became one of its provinces.
Mismanagement, arbitrariness, heavy taxation and drudgeries constituted the ordinary Turkish tactic. From the early until the last years of the Turkish domination, there are many uprisings to throw off the Turkish yoke. In November 1898, the last Turkish soldier leaves the island and one month later, the High Commissioner, Prince George of Greece, disembarked at Souda Bay and in this way the autonomous Cretan State is created, under the "high protection" of England, Italy, France and Russia, until 1913, when the union with Greece is achieved.
Mismanagement, arbitrariness, heavy taxation and drudgeries constituted the ordinary Turkish tactic. From the early until the last years of the Turkish domination, there are many uprisings to throw off the Turkish yoke. In November 1898, the last Turkish soldier leaves the island and one month later, the High Commissioner, Prince George of Greece, disembarked at Souda Bay and in this way the autonomous Cretan State is created, under the "high protection" of England, Italy, France and Russia, until 1913, when the union with Greece is achieved.
The epic Battle
of Crete is also a part of the modern history’s events, holding a unique
position in the shocking developments of World War II. The strategic position
of Crete and the occupation of the rest of Greece ensured the stabilization of
the German air domination in the Mediterranean, while facilitating their
military plans. The elite German paratroopers manage to occupy Crete, with
significant loses. Heraklion, which is in the midst of the war, strongly
resists. Its airport was occupied only after the withdrawal of the British
garrison, which had undertaken its defense and after Maleme had been already
Some important
military events with global impact that occurred in Heraklion, were the bombing
of the Heraklion airport in June 1942, the kidnapping of the German General
Karl Kreipe in April 1944 and the formation of the first armed resistance
organizations of Crete, which occurred almost simultaneously with its
occupation. Finally, on May 9th 1945 the local capitulation of the involved
forces was signed at the Villa Ariadne at Knossos.
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